Thursday, April 10, 2008

Zedus Lepidus- Coincidence Major, Nebula!

I just posted about Lily Donaldson's body mass index, receding like the hairlines of cancer patients everywhere (see, I can make jokes like that and you can't). And on that topic, recently I discovered that in Dolce and Gabbana's print ad campaign, Lily Donaldson is standing on the right side of the page in kind of an "oh my God, I'm so thin even this couture dress won't stay put" pose. Which we all have to deal with at some point in our lives, it's kind of annoying but what will you do.
Cute little Gemma Ward, however, has been receiving, shall we say... shit, for being too "thick", as the oh-so-polite New York fashion power women put it. Which is total bullcrap because she looks the best she's ever looked, but that's another post.
The sickening thing is that if you visit Dolce and Gabbana's website, you'll see the same exact body and dress of Lily Donaldson, only with Gemma's head pasted on instead. As if Gemma's body is too "thick" to sell the clothing, but Lily's face is too sickly to sell the clothing, so they just created this perfect model with Photoshop instead.

It makes me wonder:
Will they even need models in another couple years? They could just create them with computer animation, eliminating flaws altogether. Target already did a fashion show using only holograms.
And why do girls still look to magazines for their ideal body weight? You know, those emo girls with all the crazy hair colors, usually accompanied by barrettes shaped like teddy bears, and hundreds of variations of "sad" faces. The models aren't even real people anymore, they're just combinations of different likable parts.
Which top model will prevail on the runway? Lily looks like she'll faint if she walks under bright lights, but Gemma's weight is apparently too much for high fashion.
And... Which model can sue over this- Lily or Gemma?

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